
Friday, January 3, 2014

Playing Around Panau in Just Cause 2

Today really isn't the best day for me. I sprained my finger while playing basketball and now I'm basically typing with just 9 fingers. So anyway, what have I been doing in the last couple of hours or so since sustaining the injury? Really couldn't help with housecleaning and washing the dishes so I just opted to lock myself up in my room and play games. And since I can't mash buttons on my keyboard the way my arm is now playing Street Fighter IV is out of the question. It's a good thing that I was able to download Just Cause 2 and the Just Cause 2 Multiplayer mod last night through Steam so I thought of giving the game a play-through.
Just Cause 2, vehicle stunts
This game is looking good on a 1366x768 screen. Need to buy a better monitor ASAP.
I wasn't really expecting much from the game since I really just wanted to see what everyone was talking about with the multiplayer mod. Sadly though, I've been having problems keeping a stable connection with my carrier's mobile data services as of late so I decided to just ditch Multiplayer for now and focus on the single player game.
Just Cause 2, helicopter gameplay, helicopter
Combat and vehicle controls were clunky but were still playable.
So far I've been having fun with playing around in Panau, the fictional island in Southeast Asia that the game takes place in. Much like with GTA you get to play around with a lot of things in your environment from the cars to the buildings using your grappling hook. I'm not really too keen on the story since I've never played Just Cause but like with most of the recent videogames that I've played the story really isn't something to write home about. This however does not mean that the game is bad, it's just that this was the impression that I got from playing it without playing the first game.
Just Cause 2, explosions, Just Cause 2 explosions
Don't know why but I really liked to blow stuff up in this game.
Aside from being able to play around with cars, blow stuff up, and kill enemy soldiers, I really liked my initial foray into Panau. With this being said though, if there is something that I don't like about Just Cause 2 it would have to be the combat system. I just feels clunky or awkward for me at times. This impression might also change if I used an Xbox 360 controller to play the game, which as of now I currently don't have. For third person shooters and platformers, I'd usually prefer to use a controller as opposed to a keyboard. Coincidentally a couple of days ago I also played Bionic Commando Rearmed and I just realized that both Rico (the protagonist of Just Cause 2) and Nathan Spencer both make use of the grappling hook. Granted BC: Rearmed and JC2 are completely different games, I just found it amusing that the games that I played made use of the grappling hook as a major mechanic to further the gameplay.

Once my internet connection is stable enough will give Just Cause 2 Multiplayer a try and will give you guys feedback about it.

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